If I choose to cancel my trip, can I have a refund?
We’ll do everything we can to help you if you find you’re unable to travel on your planned date.
With our deposit for life scheme you can postpone your trip (as long as flights have not been booked) or gift your deposit and funds raised to another climber.
That said – if you do make the decision to cancel after having formally registered and cannot find anyone to take your place, the registration deposit and monies raised for (or donated directly to in the case of a self funded climb) the Nasio Trust are strictly non-refundable.
The Nasio Trust reserves the right to decline refunds of donations as directed by the Charity Act 2011 (section 1.7) which can be found at https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2011/25
and states that ‘charities are not permitted to refund donations, other than in specific circumstances’ as well as the Fundraising regulatory https://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/sites/default/files/2019-07/Deletions%20Log%20.pdf.