Complete Your Registration
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Thank you for entering all your details , you’re nearly done.
Your place is NOT CONFIRMED until you've paid your £250 deposit & the fastest way to secure your place is to use PayPal. Remember - your deposit will count towards your final climb cost.
Click the button below to pay now. (Rather not use paypal? Click here)
Pay £250 Using Another Method
Please include your unique reference "CLIMB-" along with your payment so we know who it is from.
UK bank details
Account Name: The Nasio Trust
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-10-04
Account No: 01074758
International Bank Details
IBAN: GB80 LOYD 3010 0401 0747 58
Or send a cheque for £250 payable to "The Nasio Trust" with your reference "CLIMB-" on the back to:
The Nasio Trust
15 The Chambers
OX14 3FE